Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Juuusst the average butcher zombie this year, nothing too crazy...

Cassie Leah as a butcher zombie for Halloween 2010

Jim Spiewak {Sarasota Headshot Photographer}

Jim and I had a nice stroll around Burns Court area for his new headshots. A little warm to start, but with some cold water, a dry towel, shorts and flipflops, Jim did a pretty good job fighting off the sweat ;) The result? Three final classy headshots that portray both his professionalism and personality.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Rachel Assi {Sarasota Headshot Photographer}

The weather in Sarasota seemed to magically transform the moment October began. That usual thick and humid florida air was all of a sudden a fresh cool draft, bringing notes of relief and change.  I honestly don't think there was a more beautiful afternoon to spend at Island Park for Rachel's headshots. The natural breeze was on our side, providing the "glamour wind" that many studio photographers try to achieve. Rachel Assi is a classical singer in Sarasota, and hopefully with these new headshots she'll be performing left and right, giving me the chance to see her in action! From the many awesome shots we took, she chose 3 final images, and I threw in one more since it was too beautiful to leave unprocessed!